
Monday, August 15, 2011

Set a Fire.

I came across this song a while back at a thing I'd like to call Summer Beach Project. I cannot begin to tell you how much passion comes out of this song when you sing it. During this song the Holy Spirit shows up in ways that we cannot imagine. It's crazy how it happens to me. This is one of my new favorite jams for Christ. It's a beautiful song and it should be everyones prayer to God. I'm currently listening to it at the moment and I have chills. Its "Set a Fire" by The United Persuit Band. This makes me wanna dance, cry, pray, jump, anything else you can think about. I remember the last night at project a whole row of us, hands around each others shoulders and swaying from side to side. I had never worshiped like that before with 150 college students all worshiping the same God I was. I looked around the room and I saw people jumping, praying, and just praising the Lord. I could see the passion in their words and in their actions. It was awesome. The Lord really shows up when you hear this song. It's just pure awesomeness. Here's the Lyrics:
No Place I'd rather be
No Place I'd rather be
No place I'd rather be

Then here in your love,here in your love

So set a fire down in my soul
that I can't contain that I can't control
I want more of you God, I want more of you God.

Wow what a song. Thats my prayer everyday. I dont want to be anywhere but in my savior's arms. He is the only one that matters after this world is done. He is the only one that we will be with for forever. We all need that fire that this song is talking about, we need it daily or else were going to fail. Its a cry out to God to be a burning flame for Him, thats my desire for my life. No one is gonna stop me, not the devil or anyone getting in my way. God, I want more. Send it my way. I love you.

Here's the Vid. Enjoy

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