
Friday, August 12, 2011

Learning your Love everyday.

Since my last post, things have been okay. It's not all the way better but I can say that its well on its way. There are times that I do fall on my face but I get back up and continue to fight. One of the last meetings of Summer Beach Project, taught us that we need to preach the gospel to ourselves daily. That means that as soon as we wake up we need to surrender ourselves to His lordship. I'm preaching to myself as well, because I know there is mornings where I don't get up and acknowledge my creator for giving me another chance at living my life.

I always go to my phone first and check the Facebook and Twitter apps and alot of the posts that I see that alot of people tweet " Thankin God for another day" I'm not saying thats bad or anything, I happen to see the same person who tweeted that laster using cuss words or posting things that are not of the Lord. They have that right but I dont understand why you would post about the Lord and then do the complete opposite of the Lord. I saw a tweet that I just retweeted, it says "Everyone tweets about God, but do YOU actually talk to Him". I was taken aback, wow it really just hit me that I always tweet or post about the Lord, but I return I never really go to Him and talk. I believe the only time I go to Him is when I'm in need of forgivness of a sin that I have committed and it shouldnt be like that. The Lord expects us to come to Him all the time, even when we dont need forgivness. He wants us to come and praise Him just for who He is and thats more than enough.

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