
Friday, May 20, 2011

a new part

I am adding a new instrament to my playing ability. Can you guess what Im going to play? You guessed it, guitar. I want to learn for two different reasons. I have always wanted to try it out. Being a string player myself I have a respect for any string instrament. I dont believe its going to be that hard. I have already learned how to play a string instrament in the past. I'll just have to learn the frets and the tabs and pratice and I shoule be good. I believe it is a beautiful instrament and it will be an honor to be able to make music with it. Thats not the only reason that I want to do it.

The next reason is because I view it as a way to invite others into worship. I enjoy playing music and nothing more would I like to see and do is to be able to use the gift that God has given me to help me in my own worship but also to help others. I play violin and I do a little bit of bongoing. I enjoy worshiping God through music because I know that it is something that I am passionate about and that Im good at. I view worship as a beautiful intimate experience, and I would be apart of it 24/7 if I could. at least coporate worship that is.  Psalm 95:6 states " Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;" Thats amazing that the same God that is worthy of our worship, took the time to encounter and provide a way for us to worship Him. I love to engage people in worship because its something that I enjoy doing myself. I want to learn another instrament so that I can join up with my churches worship team as well as our small group worship team. i believe that this is where God wants me to use my talent to play music to use it for Him and turn it into a beautiful thing that honors Him. It would be an honor to be apart of that.

I'll leave u with this Psalm 96:9 says: Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth. He's worthy of it. Will you act on it

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