
Monday, May 16, 2011

my talents

Hold On

I have been thinking about the talents that the Lord has given me recently.
Everything that He has given me to my knowledge comes from using my hands.
To think that out of these impure hands can create masterpieces is beyond me.
I can't begin to understand my gifting because I cant begin to understand the God who provided me with the abilites and talents.
God got me into music at an early age. I have always been into music but it wasn't until I went to middle school that I picked up my first instrament: the violin. I love that instrament and it is an honor to play an instrament as beautiful as that. I began to fall in love with classical music and I stayed with it to this day. I had a dream last night, I was standing there with an acoustic guitar over my neck in front of a whole audience. I dont know if thats where God wants me but I kinda have a feeling thats where He wants me. I know He didnt put me in music for just for the sole purpose of entertaining, He wants me to use it to bring others into worship.

I have started to write poetry. Its something that I like to do on occasion. When I have the time I just sit down and start to write. The ideas keep flowing out, usually I write about my struggles in life and then others I use to praise God but in ALL of my poems He is the center fold of it all. The freedom to express yourself in words is amazing to me. If I could ever perform my poems I would because I want the name of Jesus to be out there. Here's an exert from one of my strongest poems to date:
 I ask myself
Why do I place you on a shelf?
And do things that make me cry?

I know you are displeased
but I ask myself why do I keep doing this.
I've cried...
The thirst for you has been dried.

Im desprate for you
to come and renew this broken heart.
Let the Holy Water spew...
forth, come to my rescue.

I have been given the gift to draw. I have drawn multiple things. You can find them on my facebook page of on my deviant art account. It freely allows me to express myself and what I want to do. I helps me get through my day and releaves stress. Here's some of my work.


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