This is from one of my friends stories, and she has allowed me to share it with you all. I hope it changes your life as it impacted me. Blessings (:
You don’t have to read this, but God bless you if you do.
I haven’t had any joy.
After it was over, the pastor asked if anyone else needed prayer, whether unspoken or general. Before I could say so, he had looked straight at me.
“I believe God is telling me to share a word with you.”
My stomach got in knots. I knew it was coming. This thing I had been avoiding for months was going to be addressed. But this was what I wanted more than anything. I needed it.
He walked over to me. We had never met before so I introduced myself quietly. I then stood with my eyes shut as he prayed over me. Immediately I began sobbing at what he prayed for and what he said about me. When the prayer was over, I felt so vulnerable surrounded by this crowd of familiar and unfamiliar faces. The pastor continued to tell me that, in short, I was valued. That I was God’s favorite. That on God’s mirror at home, my picture was hanging there. He also said that I didn’t need to worry about the future - something I have been doing for a while. As more people spoke up, I heard different words. Of how God’s relationship with me was close-knit. How when I hurt, God hurt. Someone told me that whenever I was upset, God sends people into my life to make me happy again. So that I won’t hurt so badly. One of my close friends told me to not make myself invisible. To ask for help if I needed it. She also said that she was given a vision of me standing and looking into a mirror and that when I see myself, I don’t like anything I see but behind me, she saw people standing and looking at me and thinking how great I was or how pretty I was. One girl I had never met before, who was standing beside me, said that I just screamed “Glory of the Lord”, that it was a kind of sign that hung above my head everywhere I went. She said that I was “that” person. That person that people longed to have such a quality like. Other people said they saw me having great plans for the future. That God had big things in store for me. The last person that spoke told me that the word “significant” kept repeating itself over and over.
All of this made me cry. Ball my eyes out like a baby. How terrible and unworthy I have felt all these years. Too unworthy of God’s love. Too unworthy and broken to talk to Him or to reach out for help. 7 or 8 people spoke words to me from God tonight, most of who had never met me before. I wish I could remember word for word everything. One that stood out most to me was the very last of the night.
About an hour or so after the prayer had happened, a boy I had never met before came in and shared with me that he had a word for me. Apparently for weeks, my good friend had been trying to get him to share words with people that God had given him. But he refused. As he sat down and began to explain this vision God gave him, he said he saw a sunset and then a sunrise. He told me he was a bit confused because it should have been in the reverse order - sunrise to sunset. But then he pulled from it that the sunset signified the past and the sunrise, a beautiful future. I was stuck in the middle, he said, and that I needed to leave the past behind - let it set - and move on to a beautiful sunrise.
Everything that happened tonight put things into perspective. I don’t need to worry so much. I don’t need to try to be anything other than who I am as a person. As many times as I’ve messed up and that I’ve been hurt, God loves me. So much. I can’t even comprehend or write about it. I am His daughter. And it feels amazing.
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