
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Update on my life

Well I really have not had a good couple of days because I cant log onto my laptop. I called today and they told me it was my harddrive. :( That means I loose everything again. Ahhh its frustrating. 3 weeks into school and it already messes up ugh!. Anyway the good side of it is that I am still under waranty and they will send me a new hard drive for FREE. YAY! it will be here Friday. :)

Campus Cru was awesome last night. I can say that I've found a place to go during the weeks and it makes me feel good. The people there are so nice and I feel at home. I wish the meetings were a little bit longer but in that hour and a half Gods shows up in ways that we cannot imagine. i love to worship and the band is awesome. I just wish that there would be more songs that the band plays. The pastor spoke on the Whole Bible and I mean all of it. One of the things I needed to hear was that everything in its time will end up going back to God no matter what it is. He went over other speacial talents that we do and it hit me last night that God is the one who gave me those gifts and talents. I even met some new people last night and it was awesome.

Fact: I have off. fallen in love with Tate Street Coffee. :) Me and a couple of friends( you know) went after Cru last night and we got to talking. I thought it was a humbling thought that they opened up to me so much and I really didnt know them as much. I mean I had met one on Facebook and all but it was cool that they opened up to me, normally most people would not do that. Last night was one of the first nights that I have opened up to people.

Next time you see me My laptop will be better :)

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